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What is this event?
It is a rendezvous from the old times when your word was your contract and a handshake was your word.
When did it start?
The year 2014.
Can I attend only on Saturday?
What if there is a forecast of wind/rain/hail/tornadoes?
Make sure your tent is rated for winds over 25mph if this is in the forecast….we all watch the weather and will inform. Plan to have fun-if weather is a factor we will cancel. Watch the website or get on the email list for instant notifications.
Is there food there?
Do I have to attend with my troop?
If you have an AHG only troop can I attend?
Yes and your camp will be away from Trail Life troops and families.
What are tokens? Can I bring them back next year?
Can I bring money and just buy?
How can I find my troop when I arrive?
Stop at gate and ask or if you are first you have the ability to pick your site.
Are there critters on those hills?
Yes…ticks/copperheads/flies/grasshoppers/snakes/deer/turtles, etc… suggest you don’t engage with them unless you are familiar with them.
Is there bathrooms and running water?
Currently porta toilets brought in with permanent plans in the future. We need your help to participate.
No running water in camp but we fill up a 300 gallon pig and have it available along with city water hydrant at entrance.
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